Samyang AF 12mm F2.0 for Fuji X (APSC)
AF 12mm F2 X
在長期以卓越畫質備受歡迎的CSC MF 12mm F2.0鏡頭的基礎上,結合積累至今的AF技術,製造了不習慣操作焦點的用戶也能使用的鏡頭。現在,在傳感器小的APS-C格式也能快速準確地拍下廣闊的風景。而且,通過相機機身內部的矯正,拍攝視頻時也能獲得沒有畸變或暗角的清晰畫面。防塵防水和後方保護玻璃還可有效保護鏡頭!向您介紹優美設計的全新森養AF 12mm F2 X。
進入 X 宇宙
為了應富士X系列相機用戶不斷的要求,廣角相機名門森養光學全球首次推出應對X卡口的12mm自動對焦鏡頭— 森養AF 12mm F2 X。
※ AF 12mm F2 X兼容性提示
為了提供穩定的AF性能,森養AF 12mm F2 X鏡頭最適合使用於搭載X-Trans傳感器的攝像機。
■ 兼容攝像機目錄
X-H1, X-S10, X-pro 1, X-pro 2, X-pro 3, X-E1, X-E2, X-E2s, X-E3, X-E4, X-T1, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4, X-T10, X-T20, X-T30
Technical Information
Model Name AF 12mm F2 X Aperture Range F2.0 ~ 22 Lens Optical Construction 12 Elements in 10 Groups Special Lens H-ASP 1, ASP 1, ED 3 Coating UMC Minimum Focusing Distance 0.20m (0.66ft) Magnification Ratio X 0.09 Diaphragm Blades 7 Filter Size (mm) Φ 62.0 Maximum Diameter (mm) Φ 70.0 Mount Fuji X Angle of view APS-C 99.1˚ Length 59.2mm / 2.3in Weight 212g / 7.5oz Weather Sealing O AF/MF mode switch X AF Motor Linear STM -
※ AF 12mm F2 X Compatibility Notice
Samyang AF 12mm F2 X is optimized for Fujifilm cameras featuring the X-Trans sensor in order to provide stable AF performance. Samyang does not guarantee the lens shall operate error-free with the cameras not included in the list below. Please note that the list may change through the firmware updates.
■ Camera Compatibility List
X-H1, X-S10, X-pro 1, X-pro 2, X-pro 3, X-E1, X-E2, X-E2s, X-E3, X-E4, X-T1, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4, X-T10, X-T20, X-T30 -
MTF Chart